Sunday, August 10, 2014

Titanium dioxide uses and its applications in various sectors

Titanium dioxide is an oxide of titanium which is naturally found in nature. It is obtained from titanium tetrachloride by the process of reduction of carbon and its reoxidization. It can also be obtained from an ore ilmenite which contains titanium dioxide in large proportions. Ilmenite is reduced with sulphuric acid to obtain titanium dioxide.

What are titanium dioxide uses and applications?

Titanium dioxide is used in variety of products and industries. Titanium dioxide has a great property that is very high refractive index on account of which it can brighten anything. Titanium dioxide is one of the brightest and whitest materials known to found on the earth. Due to its whitening property, titanium dioxide is also known as “titanium white” or “pigment white”. Due to this property of titanium dioxide it is used in cosmetics where it reflects light from skin and makes skin look more glowing and radiant white.
When talking about cosmetics how can we forget sunscreen creams? People use sunscreen creams to protect their skin from the harmful rays of sun. When you are under sun, you can be burnt with sun rays or you can have other problems like spots, tanning or irritation. Sunrays can also cause cancer due to ultra violet radiation. Titanium dioxide is used in sunscreen creams to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. It absorbs the UV rays and provides you a shield against the scorching sun. The concentration of titanium dioxide in sunscreen determines the SPF or Sun Protection Factor of the cream.
Titanium dioxide is also known for its pigment properties. It is used as a pigment in industries such as dairy industry and candy production. It is also used in toothpaste production to make the toothpaste whiter. As a pigment it is used in medicines, food additives, ceramics, tiles, paints, etc.
Titanium dioxide is also used as a flavour in food. It is used in vegetables, seeds, nuts, soups, wine, beer and mustard for flavour.
When talking about titanium dioxide uses how can we forget its use in paints. Due to the light reflecting properties of titanium dioxide it is used in coating of automobiles and its parts. It is used in optical mirrors too. Cars, boats, rockets and airplanes are coated with the paint containing titanium dioxide to gives it more lustre. Titanium dioxide is known to be used in the building and construction material too. Titanium dioxide is also used in the plastic industry for coating.
Titanium dioxide is also used a dielectric. It is used as a photo catalyst when it is placed under UV rays. Titanium dioxide is known to develop photo catalyst properties when it is doped with nitrogen ions and placed under UV rays.
Titanium dioxide can be used to cleave proline containing proteins. It can be used in electric circuit and solar energy converters. It can also be used as a semiconductor. Electronic data storage companies also use titanium dioxide.
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